On the issue of standardization of wild chicory grass

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2023-06-05

O.L. Saybel(1), E.A. Konyaeva(1), A.I. Radimich(1), T.D. Rendyuk(2), T.D. Dargayeva(1),
1-All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Grina str., 7/2, Moscow, 117216, Russian Federation;
2-Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Mosсow, 119991, Russia

Introduction. Expansion of the nomenclature of medicinal plant raw materials for creation of effective medicines on their basis is one of the priority directions of pharmaceutical science. Among representatives of the native flora, common chicory is of interest for study. Objective: This article is devoted to the study of chicory herb proposed as a raw material for the production of medicines. Results. As a result of pharmacognostic study of chicory herb samples, authenticity criteria (morphological and anatomical signs, thin layer chromatography) and quality indicators have been established. On the basis of the analysis of experimental batches of raw materials the norms of numerical indicators have been determined. A method of quantitative determination of the content of active substances has been developed. Conclusion. The proposed quality criteria are included in the draft pharmacopoeial article on a new type of medicinal plant raw material Chicory herba.

wild chicory
phenolic compounds
chicory acid.

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