The range of controlled groups of medicines approved for use in pediatric practice, and ways to improve it


E.E. Chupandina, M.S. Kurolap, E.V. Boldyreva, D.S. Shapovalova, A.B. Maleva
Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl., 1, Voronezh, 394018, Russian Federation

Introduction. According to the results of numerous scientific studies, there is currently a lack of satisfaction of citizens with drug provision of controlled groups of drugs (CGD). Objective: marketing analysis of the range of controlled groups of drugs used in pediatric practice. Material and methods. Content analysis of data from the State Register of Medicines by CGD groups as of 01/11/2022, the Russian National Pediatric Formulary, instructions for medical use of CGD. Results. It was revealed that 5142 assortment positions for 50 international non-proprietary names, 111 trade names, 29 dosage forms circulating in the Russian Federation were registered in the State Register of Medicines from CGD. The share of INNs used in pediatric practice is 64%, which is also reflected in a smaller number of assortment items available for the treatment of children. An analysis of the instructions for the medical use of CGD in terms of age restrictions revealed that the range of drugs approved for use in pediatric practice at different ages does not fully meet the needs of practical healthcare. Conclusion. To further improve the quality of drug provision of CGD in pediatrics, it is necessary to implement the following measures: a) make a decision to include individual prescriptions of medicines, including those containing CGD, in the standards of pediatric care; b) to ensure the development of a network of industrial pharmacy organizations working with CGD by partially compensating for the costs of preparing individual prescriptions for medicines; c) update and publish in the public domain the Russian National Pediatric Formulary, based on an indicative list of essential medicines for children approved by WHO, as well as standard individual prescriptions for individually manufactured medicinal products.

controlled groups of drugs
assortment availability of drugs for children
pharmaceutical production.

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