Acute toxicity, antiviral and antithrombotic activity of an anticoronavirus agent based on curkuzinc, allthrombosepin and ascorbic acid


A.N. Yunuskhodjaev(1), B.A. Imamaliev(2),
Sh.F. Iskandarova(1), A.R. Shokodirov(2), G.B. Kukimova(3)
1-«Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research»,
Yunusabad district, block 19, 48, Tashkent, 100114, Republic of Uzbekistan;
2-Scientific Center «Med Standart»,
Almazar district, Karasaray street, 343, Tashkent, 100049, Republic of Uzbekistan;
3LLC «NATUREX», Almazar district, Yangi Almazar street, 51, Tashkent, 100069, Republic of Uzbekistan

Introduction. The global and rapid spread of COVID-19 has had a huge impact on all healthcare sectors around the world and has expanded the existing understanding of the nature of the course of this disease, which is reflected in domestic and foreign publications. Objective: to study the acute toxicity, antiviral and antithrombotic activity of an anticoronavirus agent based on curcutzinc, allthrombosepin and ascorbic acid. Material and methods. The study of acute toxicity was carried out according to the generally accepted method. The study of the antiviral (cytoprotective) activity of the preparation was carried out according to the ability of the drug to stabilize erythrocyte membranes under conditions of osmotic hemolysis. The study of the antithrombotic activity of the preparation was carried out on a shock lung model, namely, generalized adrenaline-collagen thrombosis. Results. The data obtained indicate the presence of significant antiviral (cytoprotective), antithrombotic activity in the test preparation. At the same time, the antiviral effect significantly exceeds the reference drug, and the antithrombotic effect is comparable to the reference drug. There was also an average lethal dose LD50 = 6000 (4285,7÷8400,0) mg/kg of the drug, and it was found that the drug belongs to the fifth class of toxicity – «Practically non-toxic». Conclusion. The studied anticoronavirus agent has a significant antiviral (cytoprotective), antithrombotic activity. Also, the high safety of the test preparation was established, since the drug belongs to the fifth class of toxicity – «Practically non-toxic».

antiviral agents

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