Ways to improve the professional activities of pharmaceutical specialists in the direction of disease prevention

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2024-04-08

O.V. Zheltkevich, M.V. Skvortsova
Yaroslavl State Medical University, Revolutsionnaya street, 5, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russian Federation

Introduction. In order to increase the population's satisfaction with accessible preventive care, it is necessary to implement activities in the direction of preserving and strengthening public health by pharmacy organizations. To do this, it is important to update preventive work and formulate ways to improve the professional activities of pharmaceutical specialists in the direction of preventing chronic non-communicable diseases, which are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the region. Objective: justification and development of directions for improving the activities of pharmaceutical specialists in the field of prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases. Material and methods. The materials for the study were: regulatory documents in the field of prevention, basic WHO strategies and recommendations in the field of protecting public health, personal data of consumers of pharmacy products, as well as websites of pharmacy chains. The research was carried out on the basis of systemic, structural and logical-semantic approaches, using general scientific methods, logical, situational, structural analyses, content analysis, economic and mathematical methods. The study of opinions on the preventive activities of pharmacy organizations was carried out using a sociological survey method. Results. In the course of the study, ways to improve the professional activities of pharmaceutical specialists in the direction of preventing CNDs were substantiated and developed and the preventive work of the joint-stock company was updated. Areas of improvement include the formation of a unified preventive environment in the region, the concept of a preventive image, the procedure for organizing the activities of pharmacies in the direction of preserving and strengthening the health of consumers and the training of pharmaceutical personnel. Conclusion. The preventive activities of the joint-stock company are organized with the aim of preserving and strengthening the health of citizens and consist of the implementation of preventive services aimed at combating risk factors for chronic NCDs. Thus, the study made it possible to expand the professional boundaries of pharmaceutical specialists, update the preventive activities of pharmacy organizations and contributed to positive changes in the value orientations of consumers towards the prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases.

prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases
preventive activities of pharmacies
preventive image
unified preventive environment.

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