
A.A. Poklonskaya, A. V. Strelyaeva, A.N. Luferov, R.M. KuznetsovI.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation

Introduction. The use of fresh raw materials for the production of homeopathic medicines substantially complicates the process of obtaining drugs and increases its cost. It is more convenient and cheaper to use dried raw materials. However, this method for optimizing the production of homeopathic medicines is not always acceptable, since the chemical composition of fresh and dried medicinal plant materials is not identical.Objective: to comparatively analyze the composition of biologically active compounds of homeopathic matrix tinctures obtained from freshly harvested and dried horse gowan (Matricaria chamomilla) herb. Material and methods. Horse gowan herb matrix extracts were prepared according to the requirements of general article (CPA «Homeopathic matrix tinctures». The composition of biologically active compounds of the tinctures was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CMS).Results. The matrix tincture obtained from dried horse gowan herb was found to contain 69 compounds that were terpenoids, vitamins, amino acids, sugars, and other groups of biologically active compounds. Azulene derivatives, which were present in both samples of tinctures, were identified.Conclusion. The homeopathic matrix tinctures obtained from fresh and dried horse gowan herb differ in the composition and content of biologically active compounds. It is impractical to use dried horse gowan herb instead of fresh one to obtain homeopathic medicines

horse gowan
Matricaria chamomilla
homeopathic matrix tincture
chromatography-mass spectrometry

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