
S.M. Ershikov, PhD; L.I. Lavrentyeva, PhD Yaroslavl State Medical University; 5, Revolyutsionnaya St., Yaroslavl 150000, Russian Federation

Introduction. The level of students’ knowledge survival is one of the education quality indicators at a higher educational establishment. For its estimation, the bank of test tasks is used. Objective: to estimate the survival level of students’ knowledge in the specialty of pharmacy as a whole and in individual disciplines and to identify the most problematic components of educational programs to make necessary adjustments to the learning process. Subjects and methods. The results of testing the pharmacy knowledge were analytically investigated in 376 full-term students from the Yaroslavl State Medical University for 5 years. Statistical and graphic methods and ABBYY FlexiCapture 10, MS Excel 2016, STATISTICA 10, and ITEMAN 3 programs were applied. Results. Positive changes in the indicators of residual knowledge in the spe-cialty of pharmacy as a whole and in individual disciplines were established for the students for each course. Disciplines with the lowest knowledge survival in-dicators were identified; the topics that had offered the greatest answering prob-lems were established in the students. An action plan to eliminate the detected defects was developed. Conclusion. The systematic monitoring of the survival of students’ knowledge and the consideration of its results in the faculty rating increases the motivation of students and encourages them to take more responsibility for the learning process.

pharmaceutical education
quality monitoring
test control of knowledge
knowledge survival

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