
A.N. Tsitsilin All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), 7, Grin St., Moscow 117216, Russian Federation

The paper analyzes the current situation using GACP (Good Agricultural and Collection Practice for Medicinal Plants). Its considers its correlation with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) in obtaining medicinal plant raw material (MPRM) from cultivated and wild plants in Russia. It is shown that both primary producers of MPRM (the organizations that cultivate medicinal plants or store their raw materials in nature) and its sellers and processors should comply with the GACP rules. The widespread of GACP in the Russian Federation is constrained by a lack of the approved good practices for cultivation of medicinal plants and for procurement of their raw material in the nature of Russia, by the collapse of large-scale commercial farms, by the complexity and high cost of entering the international MPRM market, and by a rare mention of GACP in modern Russian scientific literature on the production of raw materials from medicinal plants.

medicinal plants
medicinal plant raw materials
good practices for cultivation of medicinal plants and for procurement of their raw materials in nature

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