
K.N. Sazanova, S.Kh. Sharipova, V.M. Ryzhov, V.A. Kurkin, A.V. Lyamin Samara State Medical University; 89, Chapaevskaya St., Samara 443099, Russian Federation

Introduction. Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) and dropwort (Filipendula hexapetala) are perennial herbaceous plants in the Rose family (Rosaceae), which is widespread in the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia. The plants have a wide range of pharmacological activity and have long been used in folk medicine. The data available in the literature suggest that a study of the antimicrobial properties of the plants in the genus Filipendula is promising for their further application in pharmaceutical practice. Objective: to investigate of the antimicrobial activity of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts from meadowsweet and dropwort flowers. Material and methods. The objects of the investigation were infusions (1:10) and tinctures (1:5) of meadowsweet and dropwort flowers in 40% and 70% ethanol. Their antimicrobial activity was determined in the Mueller Hinton broth by using a double serial dilution technique. The following microorganisms that served as test cultures were Bacillus cereus, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Results. All the obtained extracts were found to have a wide range of antibacterial activity against all the examined microbial strains. The tincture of meadowsweet flowers in 70% ethanol (1:5) and that of dropwort flowers in 40% ethanol (1:5) had the widest range of antibacterial activity. Conclusion. The results of the investigation can be used as a rationale for further investigation and development for antibacterial agents based on the flowers of two Filipendula species

Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim
Filipendula hexapetala Gilib
antimicrobial activity

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