
V.O. Samusenkov (1), MD; A.N. Arkhangelskaya (2); E.V. Rogoznaya (3); N.G. Ignatov (3); I.V. Osadchenko (4), PhD; Professor K.G. Gurevich (2), MD; A.S. Utyuzh (1), MD 1-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation; 2-A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; 20, Delegatskaya St., Build. 1, Moscow 127473, Russian Federation; 3-New Knowledge Pharmaceutical College, Training and Methodological Ground for Introduction of Educational Technologies; 20, Novocherkassky Boulevard, Build. 5, Moscow 109651, Russian Federation; 4Moscow State Academy of Physical Education; 33, Shosseinaya St., Malakhovka, Lubertsy District, Moscow Region 140032, Russian Federation

Due to a rapid growth in the number of pharmacies, there is not enough staff with secondary pharmaceutical education on the pharmaceutical market. Many companies employ persons with secondary medical education instead of trained pharmacists. Professional education in the employees provides a way of licensing the activities of a pharmacy. Proposals have been made to overcome rapidly growing difficulties in modern pharmaceutics in the country. The purpose of the study is to reveal the problems of mid-level pharmaceutical specialists and to offer a way out of this situation. An analysis of literature data and available materials, by using mathematical and statistical methods has provided evidence there is a shortage of mid-level pharmaceutical managers. Today’s staff training cannot solve this problem. The paper proposes a mathematical model that can be used to assess staffing requirements in view of a change in the number of specialists as a result of the turnover and number of trained specialists. It considers possible measures for the sustainable development of the industry

middle professional education
staff training
training problems

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