
O.V. Shapovalova; N.P. Neugodova, PhD; M.S. Ryabtseva, PhD; A.A. Agashirinova; O.V. Gunar, PhD Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 41, Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane, Moscow 119002, Russian Federation

here are many innovations that are able to reduce the number of animal experiments through the introduction of methods alternative to biological ones. The term «alternative ones» implies that the animal study is replaced in each case suitable for this experiment by a specific ex vivo test. The proposed tests (pyrogenicity test and LAL test) are unidirectional, for they identify pyrogenic impurities, but because of differences in sensitivity and specificity, they cannot be recognized as alternatives. Along with the gel-clot test, instrumental methods are introduced into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, 13th edition. Six modifications of the method for identifying bacterial endotoxins were provided, by including turbudimetric and chromogenic photometric techniques. A monocyte activation test that combines the advantages of both traditional test systems and even outperforms them in some positions has been recently devised to assess pyrogenicity. But it also has a number of methodological limitations. The increase in the number of available methods not only expands the range of drugs that can be tested, but also the range of pyrogens that can be detected.

alternative methods
LAL test

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