DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor A.L. Urakov (1), MD; A.V. Samorodov (2), MD; Professor F.Kh. Kamilov (2), MD; Professor I.G. Mustafin (3), MD; Professor F.A. Khaliullin (2), PhD 1 - Izhevsk State Medical Academy; 281, Communards St., Izhevsk 426034, Russian Federation; 2 - Bashkir State Medical University; 3, Lenin St., Ufa 450000, Russian Federation; 3 - Kazan State Medical University; 49, Butlerov St., Kazan 420012, Russian Federation

Introduction. P-selectin acts as a leukocyte adhesion receptor and induces the expression of tissue factor on monocytes, resulting in their binding to platelets. The higher expression of P-selectin is indicative of impairments in the hemostatic system. Cytometric analysis of P-selectin expression is commonly used to assess platelet activation. The effect of antiaggregatory drugs on the processes of platelet activation has been inadequately studied. Objective: to compare the level of P-selectin expression and platelet aggregation under the action of antiaggregants of different chemical nature and mechanisms of action in vitro. Material and methods. The investigation objects were drugs used to inhibit platelet aggregation (acetylsalicylic acid, integrilin, tirofiban, and pentoxifylline). Blood from healthy male donors was examined in vitro. Platelet activity was determined simultaneously by induced aggregation and flow cytometry. Results. The most effective glycoprotein IIb-IIIa receptor inhibitors proved to be integrillin and aggrastat. Acetylsalicylic acid and pentoxifylline affected only ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Aspirin failed to substantially inhibit platelet activity in terms of the level of P-selectin expression, despite the fact that the degree of ADP-induced aggregation was significantly decreased. Conclusion. The parameters of standard aggregatometry not always adequately reflect the functional activity of platelets.

platelet aggregation
acetylsalicylic acid

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