
O.V. Shapovalova; N.P. Neugodova, PhD; G.A. Sapozhnikova; A.A. Agashirinova; O.V. Gunar, PhD Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Introduction. It is important to ensure the absence of pyrogenic impurities in the manufacture of parenteral drugs. Control of pharmaceutical substances for bacterial endotoxins is a complex problem with the substances that are poorly water-soluble and/or have obstacles in carrying out the LAL test. Objective: to investigate the influence of the factors that may interfere with the detection of bacterial endotoxins via the gel-clot test, to search, and choose a method that eliminates the disturbing factors. Material and methods. The investigation objects were pharmaceutical substances, such as ascorbic acid and Teraftal, and blood drugs. The LAL-test in the modification of the gel-clot used tris-buffer (Tris-hydroxyethylaminomethyl hydrochloride), magnesium chloride solution, and the specific buffer β-glycan blocker. Results. Procedures were proposed to eliminate the factors interfering with the LAL-test. The most common causes of false results, such as inhibited gel formation due to a wrong pH value or the ability of substances to form complexes, were considered. A decision was proposed to prevent false-positive results in the index “Bacterial endotoxins” in experiments with blood preparations. Conclusion. Approaches to eliminating the influence of disturbing factors on the results of the LAL-test were elaborated.

pharmaceutical substances
bacterial endotoxins
LAL test
false results
disturbing factors

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