DOI: https://doi.org/None

E.P. Ananyeva (1), PhD; M.G. Ozhigova (1), PhD; L.P. Sigareva (1); V.A. Ivanov (2), PhD; D.V. Mironov (2) 1 -Saint Petersburg State Chemopharmaceutical Academy; 14, Lit. A, Professor Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation; 2 -V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI); 5, Professor Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation

Introduction. Microbial contaminants in abundant quantities are able to cause premature deterioration of raw materials and a ready-made product and to alter their physicomechanical and chemical properties. Ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation, and ultrasound are used to combat contaminants in the raw medicinal plant materials (RMPM). These techniques have their drawbacks. An alternative procedure for processing raw materials, such as microwave radiation, is proposed to lower the amounts of their microorganisms. Objective. To investigate the impact of microwave radiation on microbial contaminants when changing the time of heating and the choice of optimal processing conditions that can achieve a decontaminating effect and preserve the physicomechanical and chemical properties of raw materials. Material and methods. Ground horse gowan (Matricaria chamomilla) flowers were used to investigate the impact of microwave radiation on microbial contaminants. RMPM was processed on a universal microwave Rodnik unit. The microbiological purity of RMPM was determined by a double-layer agar technique and the sum of flavonoids in the horse gowan flowers was measured using a spectrophotometric method. Results. The degree of microwave radiation effects on different species of microbial contaminants (bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi) was established; the optimal processing conditions for these materials were chosen; microwave radiation was shown to have no damaging effect on flavonoids in the horse gowan flowers. Conclusion. Microwave radiation is harmful to microbial contaminants in RMRM. The microorganisms are differently susceptible to microwave radiation. The optimal processing time and heating temperature were established.

microbiological purity
flavonoid levels
microwave radiation
horse gowan (Matricaria chamomilla) flowers

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