Physicochemical characteristics of tablets: local irritating factors


A.L. Urakov(1), V.N. Nikolenko(2, 3), A.P. Reshetnikov(1), N.A. Urakova(1), M.V. Kopylov(1), S.N. Nikolenko(2) 1-Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 34, Tatiana Baramzina St., Izhevsk 426067, Russian Federation; 2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation; 3-M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninsky Gory, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation

Tablets have physicochemical properties that can cause local irritating and damaging effects on tissues of the digestive system (on the routes of administration) when taken orally and also cause damage to tooth enamel and attached dental structures. Medicines as tablets sink in gastric juice, are uncomfortable when swallowing, exert local irritant and ulcerogenic effects on the wall of the stomach in the area of the pylorus. Administering oral tablets in an upright position leads to that, after getting into the stomach, the tablets go down and remain on the surface of the pyloric mucosa. At the site of contact with the digestive tract wall, the tablets during decay and dissolution can cause the formation of a liquid medium with high osmotic activity that can have a pronounced dehydrating effect on the cells of the mucous membranes. The longer continuous contact of tablets with a separate segment of the digestive system can cause reversible and irreversible irritation and damage to the cells of the mucous membranes. Currently, the specific gravity, hardness, porosity, and acid and osmotic activities of tablets are not controlled. The lack of control of tablets by these parameters reduces the predictability of the local action, safety and comfort of almost all drugs taken orally in tablet. The safety of tablets for the digestive system can be enhanced, by giving them buoyancy properties like foam, or by radically modernizing the tablets through their transformation into analogues of natural food lumps

drug safety
osmotic activity
acid activity
mucous membrane
ulcerogenic effect
irritant effect
physicochemical aggressiveness
digestive system

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