Current trends in the development of the Russian market of crystalloid infusion solutions


E.O. Trofimova(1), T.Yu. Delvig-Kamenskaya(1), M.N. Denisova(2) 1-Saint Petersburg State Chemopharmaceutical University, 14A, Prof. Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation; 2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation

Introduction. Crystalloid solutions form the basis for infusion therapy regimens and are included in the clinical guidelines and protocols for special resuscitation measures. In accordance with the current ideas, balanced polyelectrolyte solutions are preferred as the basis for the infusion therapy program. Objective: to determine the main development patterns for the market of crystalloid infusion solutions, including mono- and multicomponent solutions. Material and methods. The market was estimated in cost (in rubles, wholesale prices) and physical (in liters) indicators, by using the IQVIA database. Results. Unlike the entire Russian market of plasma-substituting and perfusion solutions, which stagnated in 2013–2018, the market of crystalloid solutions showed positive changes. However, it turned out to be substantially lower than in the previous period. The sales of sodium chloride solutions in physical terms grew at a faster pace than those of multicomponent solutions (by an average of 3.8% per year versus 1.4%). The share of multicomponent solutions on the crystalloid market in 2018 was 13% and 19% in physical and cost terms, respectively. With the reduced state funding for inpatient medical care, the pattern of consumption of crystalloid solutions shifted in favor of sodium chloride solutions, which cannot be considered a positive trend in the context of rational approaches to infusion therapy. Conclusion. If government funding increases and modern requirements for infusion therapy continue to be promoted in general medical practice, it can be expected that purchases of balanced polyelectrolyte solutions will grow at a faster pace, and they will enter the production nomenclature of a wider range of local companies, which will increase their availability for the health care system.

crystalloid infusion solutions
polyelectrolyte solutions
market trends
government funding

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