Investigations for the development of a procedure for the assay of redhaw hawthorn (Crataegus sanguinea) shoots


N.A. Volkova, V.A. Kurkin, O.E. Pravdivtseva, A.V. Kurkina, N.R. Varina, O.V. Sharova Samara State Medical University, 89, Chapaevskaya St., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation

Introduction. The flowers and berries of redhaw hawthorn (Crataegus sanguinea Pall., the rose family (Rosaceae)) are used in medical practice as cardiotonic agents. Its shoots contain flavonoids and therefore they are a promising type of medicinal plant raw materials and can be used as a source for obtaining herbal medicines. Objective: to develop a procedure for the assay of the amount of flavonoids, calculated with reference to vitexin 2II-O-rhamnoside, in the redhaw hawthorn shoots. Material and methods. The shoots of redhaw hawthorn of various species were collected in the Samara University Botanical Garden during the plant flowering stage. The collected raw materials were air dried without direct sunlight. The relationship between various extraction parameters and the yield of active substances from raw materials was studied. Results. The optimal parameters for the procedure of assaying the redhaw hawthorn shoots were extraction for 60 minutes in a boiling water bath where 70% ethanol was used as an extractant in a raw material-to-extractant ratio of 1:100. The expediency of quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids, calculated with reference to vitexin 2II-O-rhamnoside at a wavelength of 392 nm was justified. The amount of flavonoids was studied in the shoots of redhaw hawthorn and other species of the Crataegus genus. The total content of flavonoids in the redhaw hawthorn shoots, which was calculated with reference to vitexin 2II-O-rhamnoside, was in the range of 2.04–3.79%. Conclusion. A procedure has been developed to assay the amount of flavonoids, calculated with reference to vitexin 2II-O-rhamnoside, in the redhaw hawthorn shoots, when analyzing the wavelength of 392 nm. The shoots of redhaw hawthorn are a promising source of new medicines.

redhaw hawthorn
Crataegus sanguinea Pall.
redhaw hawthorn shoots
vitexin 2II-O-rhamnoside

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