Application of vitamin D, Russian drug Osteo-Vit D3 in the complex prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in children and teenagers


D.V. Dedov(1, 2)
1-Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Sovetskaya str., 4, Tver, 170100, Russia ;
2-Regional Clinical Cardiological Dispensary, Komsomolsky Avenue, 19, Tver, 170041, Russia

Objective of the study. To carry out the analysis of the literature data devoted to the problem of diagnostics, pathogenesis, clinic of osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures in children and teenagers, complex prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures with the use of calcium (Ca), vitamin D, Osteo-Vit D3. Material and methods. The authors have studied 20 foreign articles by authors from India, Australia, Canada, Spain, the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, China, Ireland and 20 Russian publications which regard the problem of prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures, including in children and teenagers with application of Ca, vitamin D as well as the Russian preparation Osteo-Vit D3. Results. The authors observed that 50% of children under 18 years of age suffered fractures. The study showed that deformities and fractures of the vertebral bodies were a specific feature of the course of osteoporosis in children associated with hormone therapy. They found that 38% of children had vitamin D deficiency. Found associations of low vitamin D levels and recurrent osteoporotic fractures. Revealed that vitamin D is essential for normal body Ca homeostasis and bone metabolism. Reflected data on the importance of Ca and vitamin D preparations in increasing bone mineral density and preventing osteoporosis. Found that vitamin D supplementation was associated with a decreased risk of fracture. Recommended supplementation with Ca and vitamin D to prevent osteoporotic fractures. We studied the effectiveness of the Russian drug Osteo-Vit D3 in comparison with foreign analogues. It was obtained that prescription of Osteo-Vit D3 was associated with an increase in bone mineral density and a reduced risk of fractures. By its properties Osteo-Vit D3 was not inferior to foreign Calcemin preparations. Conclusions. Thus, Osteo vit D3 is a promising preparation for increase of mineral density of bone tissue, strength of bones, prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures in children and teenagers. In addition, Osteo-Vit D3 was developed by Russian scientists and its properties are not inferior to the foreign drug Calcemin.

Key words: children
Osteo-Vit D3.

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