Study of the specific activity of an innovative dosage form of a chemotherapeutic agent


S.R. Naryshkin(1), I.I. Krasnyuk-jr.(1), I.I. Krasnyuk(1), T.V. Fateeva(2), P.G. Mizina(2), A.V. Belyatskaya(1), O.I. Stepanova(1), E.A. Smolyarchuk(1), O.N. Plakhotnaia(1), D.O. Bokov(1), V.V. Grikh(1), M.S. Boldina (Oleneva)(1), O.V. Rastopchina(1), I.S. Bobrov(1),
1-Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), st. Trubetskaya, 8–2, Mosсow, 119991, Russian Federation;
2-All-Russian research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants, st. Grina, 7/1, Moscow, 117216, Russian Federation

Introduction. On the basis of Sechenov University departments, an innovative antimicrobial and antiprotozoal drug – metronidazole in the form of effervescent tablets has been developed. Together with the «All-Russian research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants», the antimicrobial activity of the developed instant tablets was studied. Metronidazole has been successfully used for more than 60 years to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system; it is actively used in dental and dermatological practice. At the same time, there are currently no instant dosage forms of metronidazole on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation that allow patients to use the drug for both internal and topical use. Objective: to determine the antimicrobial activity of an experimentally developed new dosage form of metronidazole – effervescent tablets in comparison with ready-made dosage forms of metronidazole: infusion solution and tablets. Material and methods. Metronidazole (substance), developed effervescent metronidazole tablets (composition No. 2 and No. 3), their placebo, sodium benzoate (auxiliary substance – sliding), industrially manufactured tablets and infusion solution. Determination of bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity was studied by dilution method. Pathogenic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like and mycelial fungi were used. When determining the bacteriostatic activity of the studied samples, meat-peptone broth was used. When determining the fungistatic activity – a liquid Saburo medium. Results. The data obtained indicate that all samples containing metronidazole in their composition practically coincide in antimicrobial (bacteriostatic and fungistatic) activity with each other and with the activity of the metronidazole substance included in their composition, which indirectly confirms the complete release of the substance from experimental dosage forms and the absence of formation of insoluble complexes with placebo that could inhibit the release of metronidazole. Conclusion. The conducted studies have established the presence of antimicrobial activity in the developed effervescent metronidazole tablets.

effervescent tablets
antimicrobial activity
bacteriostatic activity
fungistatic activity

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