Modern approaches to the isolation and purification of active biological substances (ABTS) from reindeer organs.


L.I. Karavaeva(1), N.V. Kotova(1), N.V. Glazova(1), N.D. Bunyatyan(2), V.A. Evteev(2), A.B. Prokofiev(2),
1-St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, Professor Popov str., 14, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation;
2-Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products" of the Ministry of Health
of the Russian Federation, Petrovsky boulevard 8, bld. 2, Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation

Introduction. According to leading experts, it is believed that the medicines of the future are substances of natural origin. Since ancient times, raw materials of animal origin, primarily reindeer. Reindeer raw materials contain more than 80 vital substances in the body: amino acids, hormones, peptides, various minerals. Biologically active substances contained in the organs and tissues of reindeer participate in the restoration of energy balance, increase immunity, slow down the aging process in the body, and normalize metabolism. The study of the possibility of producing ABTS from reindeer endocrine-enzyme raw materials is very relevant. Thus, extraction was carried out from the organs of the reindeer (parotid, prostate, pancreas, rennet, testicles, pituitary gland and vitreous body). The protein-peptide component composition of the obtained extracts was studied by the methods of gel filtration and gel electrophoresis in PAAG; HPLC determined the amino acid composition. Objective: Development of methods for isolating active biotechnological substances (ABTS) from reindeer organs. Material and methods. In the work we used – parotid, prostate, pancreas, abomasum, testes, pituitary gland and vitreous body from reindeer. The determination of the enzymatic activity of hyaluronidase was carried out according to PM 42-2606-93. The determination of the component composition was carried out by the methods of gel chromatography and gel electrophoresis. Determination of the amino acid composition was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Results. Optimal conditions for carrying out the process of BAS extraction from various organs of CO have been selected. Promising organs of RM for obtaining ABTS are the pancreas and testicles. Conclusion. Optimal conditions for carrying out the process of BAS extraction from various organs of SS have been selected and the component composition of the obtained extracts has been determined. The possibility of obtaining ABTS from the organs of CO, of which the most promising are: the pancreas for the development of the technology of digestive enzymes and the testes for the production of essential amino acids, has been shown.

endocrine-enzyme raw materials
gel chromatography
gel electrophoresis

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