Pharmacoeconomic justification of the choice of non-narcotic analgesics in the medicine provision of surgical and traumatological hospitals


A.L. Mymrina(1, 5), L.N. Geller(2), I.A. Tueva(1), A.A. Plaschinskiy(3), I.G. Mugatasimov(4)
1-Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Medical Education, 5 Stroiteley Ave., Novokuznetsk, 654000, Russian Federation;
2-Irkutsk State Medical University, 2 Krasny Vosstaniya str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation;
3-Regional Hospital Fourth, Sochi, 50 Kirova str., Sochi, 354348, Russian Federation;
4-G.P. Kurbatov Novokuznetsk City Hospital One, 30 Bardina Ave., Novokuznetsk, 654000, Russian Federation;
5-JSC «Organica», Novokuznetsk, Kuznetsk Highway, 3, Novokuznetsk, 654034, Russian Federation

Clinical and economic approaches to the choice of appropriate pharmacotherapy based on the principles of evidence-based medicine are presented by a comprehensive cost analysis of various treatment technologies, including pharmacotherapy of pain. Such approaches make it possible to achieve the efficient allocation of resources in the industry by applying the most clinically effective and economically reasonable treatment technologies. One of these methods is the cost – effectiveness analysis (CEA). The purpose of the study – evaluation and comparison of the costs of a healthcare facility for postoperative analgesia with the same drug, but in different pharmaceutical forms and presentations (tablets with a fixed dose combination with paracetamol and ampoules). Material and methods. The compared drugs were evaluated using the CEA indicator. The previous studies conducted by the authors in 3 general clinical centers (Novokuznetsk and Sochi) showed the absence of statistically significant differences in analgesic effect between a fixed combination of Paracetamol + Tramadol film-coated tablets, 325 mg + 37.5 mg, and the injectable drug Tramadol alone, 50 mg/ml injection solution in 135 patients of surgical and traumatology specialties in the early postoperative period with pain syndrome at the age of over 18 years. In both groups, effective anesthesia was observed in 100% of cases. The assessment of the costs of analgesic therapy by the considered drugs consisted in calculating the cost of direct hard, direct soft and indirect costs. Results and discussion. The cost calculation showed significant differences in the cost of analgesic therapy with a fixed combination of paracetamol and tramadol and an injectable form of tramadol in surgical and traumatology patients (p

pain syndrome
fixed combination of Tramadol+Paracetamol

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