Probiotics on the Russian pharmaceutical market


E.I. Molokhova(1), V.N. Tarasevich(1), D.E. Lipin(2)
1-Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Polevaya str., 2, Perm, 614016, Russian Federation;
2-Moscow Endocrine Plant, Russian Federation, 109052, Moscow, Novokhokhlovskaya str., 25

Introduction. Inclusion for the first time in the State Pharmacopoeia of the XIII edition of the general Pharmacopoeia article of the GPM. “Probiotics” make the systematization and analysis of modern requirements for this group of drugs relevant. Objective: This is an analysis of the range and technology of probiotics presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market, by composition, indications for use and dosage forms. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the official source of information on the registration of medicines in the Russian Federation, the State Pharmacopoeia of the XIV edition and modern reviews of probiotic preparations presented in the bibliographic list. Results. The main classifications of probiotics are considered by the number of strains; by taxonomic groups of microorganisms; by the degree of interaction of active substances. The characteristic of modern probiotic preparations is given: combined, containing spore-forming bacteria and metabolic products of human normoflora bacteria. When analyzing the State Register of the Russian Federation, it was found that 62.1% of the range of probiotics are produced by domestic manufacturers. The cardinal change in the probiotic market is evidenced by the appearance in the assortment of pharmacies of a large number of biologically active food additives containing, as a rule, multicomponent probiotics in the form of capsules. The current trends in the development of probiotic technologies are highlighted. Conclusion. As a result of the work carried out, it was found that in recent years the range of complex preparations has significantly expanded, such dosage forms as lyophilizate for the preparation of suspension, ointment for topical use, sachets have appeared. Among the oral dosage forms are probiotics of domestic production in capsules. As directions for the development of probiotic technologies, the expansion of the group of sorbed probiotics, the creation of domestic drugs in the form of drops for oral administration, soft dosage forms and sprays for topical use, including for the creation of therapeutic and prophylactic agents in the field of cosmetology, is promising.

taxonomic groups
dosage forms
pharmaceutical market

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