A differentiated approach to improving the effectiveness of the realization of the personal potential of the head of the pharmacy organization

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2022-05-07

A.G. Petrov(1), G.T. Glembotskaya(2), O.V. Khoroshilova(1), Yu.A. Sashko(3)
1-Kemerovo State Medical University, 22a, Voroshilova str., Kemerovo, 650056, Russian Federation;
2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), 2, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St., Build. 4, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation;
3-JSC Bayer, 3rd Rybinskaya, 18 building 2, Moscow, 107113, Russian Federation

Introduction. The scientific substantiation and development of a methodological approach to improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the professional potential of the head on the basis of a differentiated assessment of his qualities is mainly aimed at increasing the competitive advantages of the pharmacy organization headed by him Objective: development of a methodological approach to improving the effectiveness of the realization of the personal potential of the head of a pharmacy organization based on the results of an assessment differentiated by groups of basic organizational and managerial qualities. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the sociological questionnaire method, correlation and variance analysis and their programmatic statistical processing in the Statistica 10 program. Results. A corresponding questionnaire was developed for the purpose of situational characteristics of the state of the problem under study, which included 42 characteristics structured according to 4 groups of the main organizational and managerial qualities of the head of a pharmacy organization: professional competence, organizational, business and personal qualities. The assessment of the availability of professional knowledge and skills in the field of management, the ability to manage subordinates, knowledge of the quality criteria of the pharmacy organization. The assessment of the personal characteristics of the head of a pharmacy organization is given, including: relationships with people, craving for leadership, ability to contact subordinates, personal attractiveness, ability to think strategically, entrepreneurship and personal organization, character traits of the head, style and temperament, appearance, spiritual qualities and culture of behavior in society. Conclusion. The key professional qualities of the head of the pharmacy organization are highlighted. The psychological personality traits of the manager are evaluated, allowing to determine his expected actions, reactions to emerging situations and to foresee the prospects for the realization of his personal potential in order to increase the competitiveness of the pharmacy organization.

differentiated approach
sociological research
assessment of leadership qualities
personal potential
pharmacy organization.

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